Our Structure
About the Liberal Party
The Liberal Party was created to provide members with the greatest possible influence and interaction over both the policy and activities of the Party.
The Liberal Party has both Organisational and Parliamentary wings, each with clearly defined and separate roles. The Parliamentary wing of the Liberal Party is made up of Federal and State Parliamentarians. The Organisational wing is based on the Party’s paid membership of supporters. Across Australia, the Liberal Party has more than 80,000 members in more than 2000 branches, which are governed by their respective State Liberal Party “Divisions”.
There is one Division for each of the six States, as well as the Australian Capital Territory. The Northern Territory Country Liberal Party is an affiliate of the Liberal Party. Each of the Liberal Party’s seven Divisions are autonomous and have their own constitutions. Each Division has its own Party headquarters to service the State organisation, as well as the State Parliamentary Party. They also assist Members of Federal Parliament in their home electorates.
The Organisational Wing of the NSW Liberal Party is governed and administered by State Council, State Executive and the State Secretariat.The principal concept on which the Liberal Party has been formed is the “Branch”. A Branch encompasses a grouping of over ten people generally based on geographic location. Each Branch meets regularly, organises activities and has the ability to pass motions and/or resolutions which if adopted may then be forwarded to the Federal Electorate Conference, State Electorate Conference, State Council or State Convention.
Branches are part of a larger State Electoral Conference (SEC) and Federal Electoral Conference (FEC). The SEC comprises all the branches that are located within the geographic boundaries of a particular State electorate. The FEC includes those branches that are within the geographic boundaries of the particular Federal electorate.
Members of the NSW Division are entitled to:
- attend and participate in Branch and Conference meetings;
- attend the Liberal Speakers Group;
- receive Party information and publications such as “LibMail” and "Stay Informed”;
- access the Party’s members only website;
- stand for and/or vote for office-bearers;
- participate in the selection of candidates;
- participate in State Council;
- nominate as a Liberal Candidate (after 6 months membership).